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Zhuozhou Feiya machinery Co., LTD. How to deal with the flood storm?

AddTime:2021-07-24 10:27:02   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Today's heavy rain in Zhengzhou has blown up the circle of friends, so how to deal with the heavy rain? Today, zhuozhou Feiya Machinery Co., LTD, the manufacturer of aluminum foil rolling mill, will give you a chat.

1, do not drive around, under the rainstorm, the ground situation is completely covered, can not accurately judge the water situation, once slide into the lowland, very dangerous.

2. Leave public transportation facilities as soon as possible. Under the rainstorm, public transportation facilities are also in danger. Buses, subways, taxis, and even high-speed trains may be interrupted. Underground subways and buses in low-lying areas are all very dangerous.

3. If you're away from transportation, it's best to keep it collective. The whole car evacuated together, the best hand in hand with each other, to ensure that no one left behind.

4. In the rainstorm, when actively looking for a safe location, don't be in a hurry to make a phone call, send a circle of friends, take a selfie, play with the mobile phone, etc., the rain may damage the mobile phone, too early to consume the stored power, the consequences may be very serious.

Find high ground and use the phone to communicate with the outside world while ensuring your own safety.

6, if the surrounding environment supports you to charge the phone, or you have a spare battery, you can charge it immediately, but reduce the use of the phone.

7, where possible, confirm the safety of friends and relatives, and provide necessary guidance to them, ask them to save electricity.

8. When friends and relatives reach a safe location, agree on a low-frequency communication plan every 2-4 hours or longer to reduce communication consumption.

9. Under the disaster, the surrounding power and signal may be interrupted, and there may also be centralized communication among the people leading to signal congestion. In such cases, do not panic, try to get in touch with the public security department, inform you of your difficulties, and wait for the government to help.

If you have a radio, use it to listen to government announcements.

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